Nayagarh boy Ashirwad Swain emerged champion in the Kendrapara Open Chess Tournament, scoring seven points out of a possible eight at Kendrapara Autonomous College in Kendrapara today. He won six games and drew two to pocket the top prize of Rs 8,000.
Three players tied for the second point with 6.5 points each. But Subhasis Barik of Bhubaneswar edged out the other two in Buchholz tie-break method to take the runner-up prize of Rs 5,000.
Altogether 109 players joined three-day tournament, which was organised by Kendrapara District Chess Association, under the aegis of All Odisha Chess Association. Kendrapara MLA Kishor Tarai gave away the prizes at the closing function.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Ashirwad Swain (7), 2-4: Subhasis Barik, Bibhuti Bhusan Das, Rajendra Kumar Sahu (each 6.5); 5-10: Sanjeeban Nayak, Rabindra Kumar Ojha, Debasish Majumder, Nilsu Pattnayak, Biswajit Ray, Rudranarayan (each 6).
PHOTO: Kendrapara Open champion Ashirwad Swain (L) receives his prize on January 11, 2015.