School for the Blind (Koraput) emerged champions in the State Level Cricket Tournament for Visually Impaired, defeating Maramburu Cricket Club (Baripada, Mayurbhanj) in the final by 27 runs here at BJB Autonomous College ground today.
In reply to Koraput’s team’s healthy total of 205, Baripada team could make 178 in the stipulated 20 overs. Gunanidhi Singh, Pankaj Bhuhe and Sukhram Majhi were adjudged outstanding players in B1, B2 and B3 categories in the order.
State Sports Director Anant Kishore Jena, Special Olympics Bharat-Odisha Area Director Prakash K Rath and eminent cricket coach Kishore Mania handed over the trophy and prizes at the closing ceremony.
The three-day tournament, featuring seven teams, was jointly organized by Samadrusti Welfare Centre and Cricket Association of Visually Impaired, Odisha.
Louis Braille School, Young Star Cricket Club (both Bhubaneswar), School for the Blind (Balasoer) and Rising Star Cricket Club (Bargarh) were other teams in the fray.
PHOTO: Playes of School for the Blind (Koraput) receive the trophy in Bhubaneswar on Saturday.