Biswajit Nayak of Khurda emerged champion in the Mina Patra Memorial All-Odisha Chess Tournament, which concluded at Bholanath Vidyapith in Puri today. In the two-day tournament, organised by District Chess Association of Puri (DCAP), Nayak scored 7.5 points out of a possible eight to take home a cash prize of Rs Rs 5,555.
Manoj Panigrahi (Puri) and Rabindra Kumar Ojha (Cuttack) finished second and third respectively. Panigrahi pocketed Rs 4,444 and Ojha received Rs 3,333. Altogether 202 players 14 districts participated in the tournament.
Puri MLA Maheswar Mohanty gave away the prizes in the presence of DCAP president Narayan Patra, vice-president Pradyumna Mishra and secretary Subhash Chandra Sahoo.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Biswajit Nayak (7.5), 2. Manoj Kumar Panigrahi (7.5), 3. Rabindra Kumar, Ojha (7), 4. Baivab Mishra (6.5), 5. Rajesh Nayak (6.5), 6. Nilsu Pattnayak (6.5), 7. Rajat Kumar Sahoo (6.5), 8. Sambit Panda (6.5), 9. Rajendra Kumar Sahu (6), 10. Johnson Sahoo 6).
PHOTO: Top three prize-winners with guests and DCAP officials in Puri on Jan 24, 2016.