Jayachandra Srinivas Vellanki of Tamil Nadu emerged champion in the 3rd IS All India Fide Rating (Below 1600) Chess Tournament, which concluded at J N Indoor Stadium here today. He scored eight points from nine rounds to take the top prize of Rs 20,000 with trophy.
Ranjith Kaliyarasan (Puducherry) and Samir Kumar Saha (West Bengal) also gathered eight points each but only to finish second and third respectively on Buchholz tie-break method. Kaliyarasan received Rs 14,000, while Saha became richer by Rs 10,000.
As many as 375 players from 17 states took part in the three-day tournament. Host I S Chess Centre director Manas Pani, Hemendra Narayan Das, Asit Mukherjee and Indramani Pani handed over the prizes in the presence of arbiters Nihar Ranjan Sasmal, Tapas Mohanty and Prafull Sahoo.
FINAL PLACINGS (Top 10): 1. Jayachandra Srinivas Vellanki (8), 2. Ranjith Kaliyarasan (8), 3. Samir Kumar Saha (8), 4. Vishwanath Kannam (7.5), 5. Manoj Kumar Hota (7.5), 6. Binu Sebastian (7.5), 7. Nabaghan Baral (7), 8. Kishor Jha (7), 9. Aanandha Kumar M S (7), 10. Chaitanya Rout (7).
PHOTO: Prize winners of the tournament in Cuttack on March 27, 2016.