Bhubaneswar lad Rakesh Kumar Nayak emerged champion in the 1st Macaulay All-India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament, which concluded at Subas Institute of Technology, Barang, near here today. He scored 7.5 points in the nine-round tournament to bag the top prize of Rs 21,000.
Odisha players made a clean sweep of the top three positions with Rajesh Nayak and Mohammad Ashraf grabbing the second and third prizes of Rs 12,000 and Rs 7,000 respectively. Altogether 89 players from six states participated in the six-day tournament, which carried a total prize fund of Rs 1.55 lakh.
Banki MLA Pravat Tripathy handed over the prizes in the presence of All Odisha Chess Association president Sekhar Chandra Sahu, Subas Institute of Technology chairman Soubhagya Parida, host Master Chess Foundation director Saroj Kumar Das, chief arbiter Suresh Chandra Sahoo, arbiters Arghya Arpan Parida, Bhabesh Mohanty and Santosh Mohapatra.
FINAL PLACINGS (Top 10): 1. Rakesh Kumar Nayak (Odi, 8), 2. Rajesh Nayak (Odi, 7.5), 3. Mohammad Ashraf (Odi, 7), 4. Hrusikesh Rath (Odi, 7), 5. Sanjeeban Nayak (Odi, 7), 6. Sarbojit Paul (WB, 7), 7. Anurag Jaiswal (WB, 6.5), 8. Sawyan Baran De (WB, 6), 9. Harshit Ranjan Sahu (Odi, 6), 10. Anirban Basu (WB, 6).
PHOTO: Title winner Rakesh Kumar Nayak receives his prize in Barang on July 31, 2016.