Anju Paradia of Dev Ray College (Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar) emerged woman individual champion, pocketing four titles in the Utkal University Inter-College Swimming Championship, which was organized by Government College of Physical Education (GCPE), Bhubaneswar at Kalinga Stadium Swimming Complex here today.
Anju won the four titles in the 50m backstroke, 50m breaststroke, 50m freestyle and 100m freestyle events. In team events, Banki Autonomous College men and GCPE (Bhubaneswar) women emerged champions with 26 and 32 points respectively. GCPE men and Dev Ray College women finished runners-up.
As many as 64 men and 20 women from 14 colleges participated in the day-long championship, which featured 11 events for men and 10 for women. Senior swimming coach Surendra Kumar Naik inaugurated the tournament, while Utkal University Sports Council director Prof Jayant Kumar Parida handed over the prizes in the closing ceremony. GCPE principal Dr Man Mohan Rout was present on the occasion.
PHOTO: Prize winning swimmers with guests and officials in Bhubaneswar on Sept 17, 2016.