All India Football Federation has selected four players from Odisha for the under-16 girls’ National camp, scheduled to be held at SAI Centre, Patiala (Punjab) from July 24, 2016. The camp is meant to prepare the Indian team for the AFC U-16 Girls Championship (Qualifiers), which is slated to be hosted by Thailand from August 27 to September 4, 2016.
The four Odisha players are: Shanti Murmu, Banya Kabiraj (both Sports Hostel, Bhubaneswar), Janaki Murmu (KIIS, Bhubaneswar) and Anajali Barua (Sundargarh). As many as 24 countries have confirmed to compete in the AFC U-16 Qualifiers. Teams have been divided into four groups and the top team from each group will advance to the final round.
The top four teams from the last edition – DPR Korea, Japan, China PR and Thailand (who expressed a desire to also play in the qualifiers) – have directly qualified for the finals. India has been placed in Group B along with Korea Republic, Philippines, Malaysia, Northern Mariana Islands and Lebanon.