Odisha lass Harseein Kaur secured the bronze medal by finishing third in junior women 10 meter air piston event of the 26th All-India G V Mavalankar Shooting Championship, held at Mumbai from November 3 to 15, 2016.
According to press release from Odisha Rifle Association, Harseein scored 91.0, 90.0, 84.0 and 96.0 in her four rounds for a total of 361.0. She was the only medal winners of a 12-member squad that represented Odisha in the championship.
A trainee of the Bhubaneswar unit of Gun for Glory Shooting Academy, Harsheen has been pursuing competitive shooting for the past three years. She is also pursuing her degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Utkal University. Her mother Renu Choudhury is the proprietor of the Gun for Glory Shooting Academy here.
PHOTO: Odisha junior woman shooter Harsheen Kaur.