Leading cricket club, Saheed Sporting added two more items to its infrastructure facilities by launching a gymnasium and physiotherapy centre at the own ground here today. Debasis Mohanty, the first Test cricketer of the state unveiled the facilities of his home club in the presence of fellow first-class cricketers Rashmi Ranjan Parida, P Jayachandra, Saurabh Sehgal, Sushant Rath, club secretary Pankaj Patnaik, treasurer Nikunja Mohanty and local corporator Saswati Mishra.
The double-storied building, which houses the gymnasium and the physiotherapy centre had been built with the funds provided by current Rourkela MLA Dilip Ray from his Local Area Development Fund when he was a member of Rajya Sabha.
The physiotherapy centre will be run by Mukti Prasad Dash of Global Physiotherapy Cell and Saheed Sporting Club. Dr Ranjit Panigrahi, Dr Jyoti Prakash Dash and Dr Ashutosh Acharya will be providing consultancy at this physiotherapy centre to players on diet, muscle development and sports psychology.
PHOTO: The building that houses the gymnasium and physiotherapy centre at Saheed Sporting Club in Bhubaneswar.