Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today launched the logo and mascot of the 22nd Asian Athletics Championships, which is scheduled to be held at the Kalinga Stadium here from July 6 to 9, 2017. The Chief Minister also formally announced Bhubaneswar as the host for the mega sports event.
While the logo depicts an athlete crossing the finishing line with historical tourist attractions of Odisha in the background, the mascot is an Olive Ridley sea turtle named `Olly’. Odisha’s Gahirmatha beach is a prime mass nesting site for these endangered species.
The 22nd edition of the biggest Athletics meet of Asia is expected to be joined by around 700 athletes from 45 Asian countries. The championships will also serve as a qualifying event for the IAAF World Championships 2017 to be held in London in August.
In his speech, the Chief Minister said: ``Bhubaneshwar has emerged as a sought-after destination for international competitions. The city is also going to host the Hockey World League Final in December 2017 and the prestigious Men’s Hockey World Cup in December 2018. I am sure, these athletics championships will provide substantial exposure to Odia boys and girls who will be watching World Champions in action.