Odisha athletes bag two gold medals in the third leg of Indian Grand Prix at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi today. Sprint ace Dutee Chand captured women’s 100m title with a timing of 11.30 secs, while Purnima Hembram secured the yellow metal in women’s 100m hurdles, clocking 13.79 secs.
However, Jauna Murmu, another eminent Odisha athlete, finished fourth in women’s 400m run. Kerala sprinter Muhammed Anas Yahiya stole the show of the one-day meet as he shattered his own national record with a flickering timing of 45.32s clinching the gold in men’s 400m event.
The effort of the Keralite also ensured him a berth in the IAAF World Championships 2017 to be held in London from August 4 to 13, 2017 for which qualification mark was 45.50s. In June 2016, Anas set the national record with the timing of 45.40s at the Polish Athletics Championships in June 2016.