Haryana Body Building and Fitness Association organied the championship, under the aegis of IBBF. Men’s body-building featured competition in 10 weight categories. First three places in each category received gold, silver and bronze medals respectively. First five places in each category received cash prizes Rs 60,000; Rs 50,000; Rs 45,000; Rs 40,000 and Rs 30,000 respectively.
Overall champion, first runner-up and second runner-up took home cash prizes of Rs 5 lakhs, Rs 3 lakhs and Rs 1 lakh respectively along with trophies. Best Poser and Most Improved Body Builder were given Rs 50,000 each with trophies. Team champion state received Rs 50,000 along with trophy.
ODISHA MEN’S SQUAD: Anil Gochhikar, Debasish Dutta, Bilal Khan, Chhutku Dutta, Satish Huda, Bijay Kumar Mantry, Saktibrata Nayak, Sujit Kumar Jena, Narayan Barik, Anil Kumar Nayak and Pramod Kumar Swain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP: Odisha bodybuilders and officials for the Senior Nationa Championship pose in Bhubaneswar on March 1, 2017. RIGHT: Anil Gochhikar receives the Mr India title at Gurugram on March 4, 2017.