Local player Amit Mohanty emerged champion in the State Open Chess Tournament, which was organised by Orissa State Chess Association (OSCA) at Odisha Secretariat Recreation Club (OSRC) here on November 4 and 5, 2017. In the nine-round tournament, Amit scored 8.5 points.
S Manas of Pipili finished runner-up with 7.5 points, while Tanmaya Kumar of Bhubaneswar secured third position with seven points. The tournament carried a total cash prize of Rs 30,900, including Rs 6,000 for the champion and Rs 4,800 for the runner-up.
A total of 139 players from 13 districts participated in the two-day tournament. OSRC general secretary Managovinda Dalei was the chief guest of the closing function, which was presided over by OSCA secretary Smruti Ranjan Das. Puri District Chess Association secretary Bimal Prasad Mohanty, OSCA vice-president Arati Bijoy Mohanty and chief arbiter Debasis Panigrahi were present on the occasion.
FINAL PLACINGS (Top 10): 1. Amit Mohanty (8.5), 2. S Manas (7.5), 3. Tanmaya Kumar (7), 4. Dayanidhi Rout (7), 5. Prakash Ch Sahoo (7), 6. Kumar Ashok (7), 7. N Surjeet (7), 8. Sailendranath Rout (7), 9. Manas Ranjan Parida (6.5), 10. Natabara Das (6.5).
PHOTO: Prize winners with guests and officials in Bhubaneswar on November 5, 2017.