Odisha youngsters won three out of six titles in the AITA-OTA Under-12 and Under-16 Talent Series (TS) Tennis Tournament, which was organised by newly formed Tennis Association of Bhubaneswar (TAB), under the aegist of Odisha Tennis Association (OTA) at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar from December 25 to 29, 2017.
As many as 80 budding talents of three states of East Zone _ Odisha, Bengal and Bihar _ participated in the tournament. Odisha players also finished runners-up in all six events. Sangram Kumar Patra of Gurukul Tennis Academy turned out as the most impressive among Odisha players. Despite being an unseeded player, he went on to capture the under-16 boys’ singles crown, defeating top seed Pratyush Mohanty in straight sets.