Odisha girl Sohini S Mohanty achieved the biggest success of her tennis career by winning three titles in the Chamunda-AITA Championship Series U-12 & U-14 Tournament, which was held at Chamunda Tennis Academy in Karnal City, Haryana from Sept 24 to 27, 2018.
Bhubaneswar player Sohini won the three titles in U-12 singles, U-14 singles and U-14 doubles events. Pupil of Farhan Ali Tennis Academy, Sohini beat Divya Ungrish of Delhi in both the singles finals. She won the U-12 final 6-2, 6-3 and the U-14 summit clash 6-0, 6-1.
Sohini won the U-14 doubles crown with Divya Ungrish as her partner. They defeated Saijaini and Marlin Sweetie in the title clash 6-0, 5-7 (10-5). With this triple crown, Sohini’s total number of AITA titles reached 10. Her earlier seven titles included four singles and three doubles.
PHOTO: Sohini Mohanty with her three trophies in Karnal, Haryana on Sept 27 2018.