Already an iconic sports venue, Kalinga Stadium would be further decorated with paintings on hockey, ahead of the Odisha Men’s Hockey World Cup, Bhubaneswar 2018. The paintings were created by 30 artists and painters from all over India during an art workshop, which was held at Pantha Niwas here from October 1 to 6, 2018.
According to a press release from the Sports & Youth Services Department, the workshop was hosted by Lalit Kala Academy in collaboration with Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC). The paintings would be used within the premises of the Kalinga Stadium such as lobbies, lounges, galleries and dressing rooms.
While some artists reflected on the themes of Hockey through their creative eye, some other submissions were centered around the overall spirit, ideals and values of sportsmanship. Some paid homage to the legendary master of Indian hockey, Major Dhyanchand.
The most striking aspect of the exhibition was how some artists blended in the beauty of Odia tribal culture with the spirit of hockey as a sport to create some breathtaking
masterpieces. The dynamic combination of classic, contemporary and modern art was on full display at the exhibition.