After conceding one-point lead in the second round, China bounced back to thrash hosts India 3.5-0.5 in the fourth round of the 3rd Bilateral Chess Summit here at International Chess Hall in KiiT University today. The Chinese dragons now lead by two points (9-7).
On top board, Chinese GM Shanglei launched Spanish attack and faced solid Zaitsev variation. His Indian opponent GM Narayanan Srinath tried to open up the center early and even offered a piece sacrifice which was declined by Shanglei. Srinath tried to press further with a pawn sacrifice, but the Chinese counterpart systematically liquidated pieces one after another and won easily on 49th move.
On second board GM Xu Xiangyu surprisingly opted for Scilian Lowenthal variation which has very poor reputation. But his young Indian opponent GM Arvind Chitahmbaram could not takep opening advantage. Eventually, the game drifted to a minor piece ending, where Arvind had double Bishop advantage. The Chinese GM defended accurately and drew on 83rd move.
In the game between two young Grand Masters Bai Jinshi and Aryan Chopra on third board, the later choose to exchange Queen early and drifted it to a passive position. Jinshi maintained his small initiative and manged to place both his Rooks on the 7th rank. To avoid mating attack, Chopra had to concede material and gave up on 36th move.
On fouth board, GM Murali Karthikeyan chose to play Reti Opening and faced solid London system of GM Xu Yinglun. After a hard fought battle, both the players reached a Knight & pawn end game. But the Indian GM stretched too hard for a win and got punished. Xu Yinglun won on 63rd move.
Round-4: China beat India 3.5-0.5
Board-1: GM Narayanan Srinath lost to GM Lu Shanglei (w)
Board-2: GM Aravindh Chitahmbaram (w) drew with GM Xu Xiangyu
Board-3: GM Aryan Chopra (w) lost to GM Bai Jinshi (w)
Board-4: GM Karthikeyan Murali (w) lost to GM Xu Yinglun
PHOTO: Indian GM Narayanan Srinath (Left) in action against his Chinese counterpart GM Lu Shanglei in Bhubaneswar on October 19, 2018.