Odisha player Abhishek Mohapatra won the boys U-18 doubles title in the AITA Championship Series Tennis Tournament at Jalandhar in Punjab today. He achieved the success with Aditya V Roy Choudhury of West Bengal as his partner.
The triumph assumed added significance as Abhishek and Aditya defeated top seed Punjab combination of Sonu Khan Navneet Singh in the final 6-2, 6-0. In girls U-18 doubles event, Odisha player Ameek Kiran Batth finished runners-up with Punjab partner Rachita Talwar.
Ameek and Rachita lost in the final to Andhra Pradesh pair of Lakshanya Vishwanathan and Pavitra Reddy 3-6, 6-4, (8-10). Earlier in girls U18 singles event, Ameek lost in the semi-finals to Lakshanya Vishwanathan (AP) 4-1, 1-4, 2-4.
PHOTO: Odisha boy Abhishek Mohapatra and his doubles partner Aditya Roy Choudhury with their trophies in Jalandhar on August 24, 2018.