India, Odisha and Indian Oil International Master Padmini Rout added yet another jewel to her attractive crown by winning the gold medal in women’s section of the 17th Asian Continental Chess Championship, which was held at Makati City in Philippines from December 10 to 18, 2018.
Padmini started her campaign as the eighth-ranked player and finished at the top with seven points from nine rounds. Remaining unbeaten throughout the tournament, she won five games and drew four.
Woman Grand Master Qianyun Gong (Singapore) and International Master Le Thao Nguyen Pham (Vietnam) claimed the silver and bronze medal with seven and 6.5 points respectively. Along with the continental gold, Padmini secured a ticket for the Women`s World Chess Championship 2020 and a prize of 4,000 dollar.
Round 1: Beat WIM Bernadette Galas (Philippines)
Round 2: Beat WFM Li Yunshan (China)
Round 3: Drew with WIM Zhu Jiner (China)
Round 4: Beat WGM Thi Kim Phung Vo (Vietnam)
Round 5: Beat WFM Turmunkh Munkhzul (Mangolia)
Round 6: Beat Quianyun Gong (Singapore)
Round 7: Drew with IM Guo Qi (China)
Round 8: Drew with IM Le Thao Nguyen Pham (Vietnam)
Round 9: Drew with WGM Wnag Jue (China)
PHOTO: Asian Continental chess champion Padmini Rout with her trophy at the presentation ceremony in Makati, Philippines on Dec 18, 2018.