The four-day championship, hosted by Government of Odisha, was inaugurated by Chief Minsiter Naveen Patnaik cultural extravaganza. The dance performance by Padmashree Aruna Mohanty Group enthralled the sizeable crowd, mostly student of Kalinga Institue of Social Sciences (KISS).
Asian Games heptathlon gold medallist Swapna Barman, Asian Rugby Football Union president Aga Hussain, Indian Rugby Football Union president Numazar Mehta, Odisha Sports Minister Chandra Sarathi Behera, Sports Secretary Vishal Dev, Director R Vineel Krishna, rugby player-turned film star Rahul Bose and Odisha Rugby Football Association president Priyadarshi Mishra were present on the occasion. --------------------------------------------------------- PIX ---------------------------------------------------- TOP: Chief Minsiter Naveen Patnaik with guests, dignitaries and captains of 12 participating nations at the opening ceremony in Bhubaneswar on Oct 26, 2018. RIGHT: Members of Indian team (Standing L-R) Sweety Kumari (Bihar), Lija Sardar (Odisha), Leudwiche Van Deventer (Head Coach), Jemamani Naik (Odisha), Rushmita Oraon (West Bengal), Asha Oraon (West Bengal) and (Seated L-R) Priya (Delhi), Rutuja Kirdat (Maharashtra), Soni Mandangi (Odisha), Sumitra Nayak (Odisha), Sandhya Rai (West Bengal), Parbati Kisku (Odisha), Anita (Tamil Nadu).