Host Odisha blanked Punjab 5-0 in their first match of the National Unified Football Tournament for Women, which commenced at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar today. Organised by Special Olympics Bharat-Odisha, the tournament features unified teams from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Puducherry, Punjab, West Bengal, Jharkhand and host Odisha.
Odisha Olympian Anuradha Biswal inaugurated the four-day in the presence of Special Olympics Bharat-Odisha Area Director Prakash K Rath and adventure sports specialist Arpita Mohapatra. Unified teams are comprised of persons with and without intellectual disability.
West Bengal beat Andhra Pradesh 5-0, Jharkhand beat Karnataka 3-0 and West Bengal beat Jharkhand 6-0 in three other matches of the day.