Organised by Ace Tennis Club, the three-day tournament carried a total cash prize of Rs 2 lakh, which included Rs 12,000 each for men’s open singles, doubles and women’s open singles. The under-14 title winners were given Rs 5,000 each.
Utkal Builders Managing Director Sharad Baid and former Police DG Sanjib Marik handed over the trophies and cash prizes at the closing ceremony. Organising Committee chairman Dr Biswajit Mishra, Ace Tennis Club president Prakash Chandra Bhura, secretary Navratan Bothra and tournament referee Jatin Batsya were present on the occasion.
Mansingh Ho and Pramod Kumar Patnaik were honoured with Life-time Achievement Award, which carried Rs 5,000 each. Mahesh Mohapatra and D Aryan Swamy received Rs 2,000 each as the winner of Sportsman Spirit and Emerging Player awards respectively.
RESULTS (All finals):
U-14 Girls Singles: Sohini Mohanty beat Alina Sayed (6-2, 6-0). U-14 Boys Singles: Stevan Ankit Ekka beat Debabrata Pradhan 6-4, 3-6, 6-1. Women Singles: Rutuparna Choudhury beat Ameek Kiran Batth 6-3, 6-3. Men Singles: Ansu Kumar Bhuyan beat Aditya Satpathy 6-0, 6-4. Men Open Doubles: Ansu Bhuyan-Aditya Satpathy beat Asutosh Das-Satirtha Patnaik 7-5, 4-6, 10-7. Senior (40+) Men Doubles: Saswat Jena-Himadri Kanungo beat Vivek Tibarewal-Prashant Patra 6-4, 6-1. Veteran (50+) Doubles: Prabhat Bakshi-Saroj Mazumdar beat Gangadhar Lenka-Jhadeswar Das 5-7, 6-4, 10-6. Veteran (60+) Doubles: Biranchi Narayan Mohanty-Jugananda Pattnaik beat Prabhat Bakshi-J Ganta 8-4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PIX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP: Ansu Kumar Bhuyan (Right) and Aditya Satpathy with their Utkal Open trophies in Bhubaneswar on January 13, 2019. RIGHT: Prize winners, guests and tournament officials of Utkal Open trophies in Bhubaneswar on January 13, 2019.