The Indian Cricketers’ Association (ICA), the official players’ association for male and female ex-cricketers in India, has commenced its membership application process. All retired male and female international cricketers and retired domestic cricketers who have played a certain number of first class matches are eligible to apply for ICA membership.
Further information regarding the membership eligibility criteria and the application process is available on the official website of the ICA (
Interested individuals who meet the eligibility criteria and wishing to participate in the 2019 ICA elections may apply for ICA membership on or before 21 September, 2019 through the online application form available on the ICA website.
The first ICA elections are scheduled to be held on 11 October, 2019 under the supervision of the Electoral Officer, BCCI. The members of the ICA will elect the ICA board and representatives to the BCCI and BCCI Member Association governance bodies.
Individuals who have previously communicated their interest in being members of the ICA through their state associations and/or the BCCI are also required to apply for ICA membership through the online application form.
G K Pillai, Chairman of the Supreme Court appointed Steering Committee said, “The ICA is a monumental step towards protecting and advancing the interests of cricketers in India. The body will not only benefit former cricketers in the form of welfare measures but will also provide an avenue for cricketers to participate in the governance of cricket at both the BCCI and member association level.’’
What is particularly noteworthy is that the ICA gives a voice to both male and female as well as international and domestic ex-cricketers. We hope that retired cricketers take advantage of this opportunity and apply for membership to the ICA and help the ICA in becoming a substantial voice in the governance of cricket in India.”
ABOUT ICA: The ICA is a non-profit company limited by guarantee incorporated on July 5, 2019, recognised by the BCCI as the official players’ association for male and female ex-cricketers in India. For further information regarding the ICA please visit the ICA’s official website, as available at