Odisha players Nilsu Pattnayak, Yashita Rout and Shreyash Shuvam Patnaik won bronze medal in respective age groups of the Commonwealth Chess Championship, which was held at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel in New Delhi from 30 June to 7 July, 2019.
Nilsu captured the bronze finishing third in under-20 open category, logging five points from seven rounds. This was the maiden international medal for Nilsu, who belongs to Cuttack city.
Yashita secured the bronze in under-12 girls group, scoring five points out of a possible seven. Bhubaneswar lass Yashita won four games, drew two and lost one. This was the second international medal for Yashita, who had bagged gold in under-8 girls category of the World Chess Solving Cup Tournament at Batumi in Georgia three years ago.
Shreyash captured his bronze medal in under-12 open section with 5.5 points from seven games. He won five games, drew one and lost one. In fact, there was a tie for the top position with three players having 5.5 points each.
However, Shreyash finished third on the basis of Buchholz tie-break score. This was the first international medal for Cuttack boy Shreyash, whose earlier achievements include under-9 and under-11 stateĀ titles in 2016 and 2018 respectively.