The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has selected Odisha player Kajal Jena for the Under-23 Women T-20 Challenger Trophy 2019-20, scheduled to be held in Pondicherry from 11 to 14 December, 2019.
Kajal will be representing India-C team in this tournament. She is an opening batsman and part-time wicketkeeper. Kajal was part of the East Zone team that emerged champions in the Inter-Zonal U-19 Women One-day League, held in Chennai last year.
Altogether three teams would compete in the U-23 Women T-20 Challenger Trophy. Other two teams in the fray are: India A and India B. Teams will play league matches and the top two teams from league stage would feature in the final.
Odisha Cricket Association Secretary Sanjay Behera congratulated Kajal Jena for being selected in the India-C Team and wished her success in the Under-23 Women T-20 Challenger Trophy.