An 18-member Odisha squad, featuring seven boys and 11 girls, has bagged a total of six medals so far in the 35th National Junior Athletics Championship, which is being held at Acharya Nagarjuna University in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh from 2 November, 2019.
The six medals include two gold, two silver and two bronze. Rajendra Sidhu proved to be most successful among Odisha athletes, winning one gold and one bronze in under-14 boys category. Sabita Toppo secured the other in U-16 girls group.
The two silver medals were captured by Manisha Merel and Dhanmati Xess, while the other bronze medal was claimed by Kajal Soma Majji. The squad was accompanied by Rajat Mohanty and Sasmita Sethi as manager and coach respectively.
Gold: 1. Rajendra Sidhu (U-14 boys triathlon, 1923 pts), 2. Sabita Toppo (U-16 girls pentathlon, 3331 pts).
Silver: 1. Manisha Merel (U-20 girls long jump, 6.07m), 2. Dhanmati Xess (U-18 girls javelin, 40.62m).
Bronze: 1. Kajol Soma Majji (U-16 girls, long jump, 5.48m), 2. Rajendra Sidhu (U-14 boys long jump, 6.17m).