Odisha girls Pratyasha Ray and Mannata Mishra bagged a total of three medals in the first two days of the CBSE National Swimming Championship, which is being hosted by organised by Gyan Ganga International Academy at Prakash Swimming Pool in Bhopal from November 12 to 16, 2019.
Student of Demonstration Mutipurpose School, Bhubaneswar, Pratyasha won a joint gold medal in 50m butterfly event of the girls U-19 group with a time of 31.28 seconds.
Mannata Mishra of Sai International School, Bhubaneswar captured one silver medal each in under-19 girls 100m breaststroke and 50m breaststroke events. In 100m breaststroke she clocked 1.26.44. This is the first time that Mannata won medal at a National level competition.
PHOTO: Mannata Mishra with her medal and certificate in Bhopal on 13 November, 2019.