Two women from Odisha have made it to the National Shooting Squad for the year 2020-2021. They are Shriyanka Sadangi and Kashika Pradhan. The Odisha duo will represent India in international shooting competitions, the schedule of which remains to be known.
Kashika Pradhan has been selected for the National Junior/Youth Squad in women rifle category. She is a trainee of Bhubaneswar branch of Gagan Narang Sports Promotion Foundation and a star of the State-Government-run shooting High Performance Centre (HPC).
Secretary of Odisha Sports & Youth Services Department, Vishal Dev felicitated Kashika Pradhan on being selected in the National squad and wished her all the best for her future endeavors.
On the other hand, Shriyanka Sadangi has been chosen to represent the country in women rifle competitions. Hailing from Sambalpur, Shriyanka has been honing her shooting skills and pursuing academics in Delhi.
PHOTO: Odisha shooter Kashika Pradhan (C ) with her guru Gagan Narang (L) and State Sports Secretary Vishal Dev at unknown venue and date.