Steven Taylor will lead the Bhubaneswar-based Odisha FC in the 7th Hero Indian Super League (ISL), scheduled to be held in Goa from November 20. The former Newcastle United defender was instated as the new captain in a team meeting today. Head Coach Stuart Baxter announced his decision before citing experience and leadership qualities Steven as the pillars behind the appointment.
“Steven will lead Odisha FC as captain for the upcoming season. His intent to mentor the young players, commanding presence and winning mentality shall help the team enormously. I am sure that he will be one of the best leaders in the Indian Super League and the team shall be able to use his qualities to maximum effect," the OFC Head Coach said.
Steven was delighted with his new responsibilities and the enthusiasm of the Englishman was apparent in his address to the team. “We are a family. We have to stand by each other and be there for each other on and off the field. Keep believing in yourself and I am confident that we shall have a special season.
‘‘We will learn in every training session and in every game and we will grow from those experiences. I am happy to be here amongst all of you,” the experienced defender expressed. Taylor is poised to lead Odisha FC in their first game against Hyderabad FC on November 23.
PHOTO: Undated file photo Steven Taylor, the new captain of Odisha FC.