A 10-member Indian National javelin squad, including star throwers Neeraj Chopra and Annu Rani today arrived in Bhubaneswar to train and prepare for the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games. The camp for the elite javelin throwers will commence here at Kalinga Stadium from tomorrow and will continue till the end of the month.
The squad includes five athletes, two coaches, two physios and one masseur. Other three throwers are: Shivpal Singh, Rajinder Singh and Rohit Yadav. The squad arrived with coaches Uwe Hohn and Dr Klaus; physios Ishan and Darshan Shetty and masseur Demtry.
‘`I have fond memory of Bhubaneswar as I won the Asian Championship gold medal here in 2017. We will work hard at the camp and hope to prepare well and do well in Tokyo Olympics,’’ said Chopra on his arrival here at the Buju Patnaik International Airport.