Kids stole the show on the opening day of the 22nd Odisha State Archery Championship with Piyush Pritam Dixit, Prisha Mishra, J Vihan Reddy and Himadri Bagarty winning the first four gold medals at Barabati Stadium in Cuttack today. In the kids (U-9) group, Bhadrak boy Piyush and Cuttack girl Prisha stood first in Indian Round, while Cuttack boy Vihan and Boudh girl Himadri secured the top position in Recurve Round.
Of course, Prisha and Vihan had it easy as there were no other competitors in respective events. But the enthusiasm, concentration and precision of the tiny archers were trait to watch. Though there were only seven of them in the fray, yet they made the opening day proceedings very much enjoyable.