Internationals Madhuri Meheta and Sushree Dibyadarshini shared honours along with D Janaki Reddy in the third-round matches of the OCA Women Cricket League at different grounds in Bhubaneswar today. The tournament is being organised by Odisha Cricket Association.
Leading from the front Madhuri slammed a 135-ball 102 to spur Odisha Red to a 38-run win over Odisha Yellow. This was the first win in three matches for the Reds and first defeat for the Yellows.
Odisha Violet posted their second win, defeating Odisha Orange by 65 runs in the eighth match. Violet captain Sushree Dibyadarshini led from the front, hitting a power-packed 89 off 69 balls. Stumper Rasmita Chinhara provided nice support to Sushree with a half-century.