Odisha Red and Odisha Violet registered respective third win, defeating Odisha Purple 28 runs and Odisha Green by three runs respectively in the MGM Odisha Women T20 Cricket League (OWCL) at KIIT Cricket Ground in Bhubaneswar today. After the wins today, Red and Violet shared the second spot in the league table with 12 points each. Notwithstanding the defeat, their first in five matches, Odisha Purple retained their place at the top of the table with 16 points.
International Madhuri Meheta led Odisha Red to win over Odisha Purple, hitting an unbeaten 63 off 58 balls. She stitched together an unfinished 126-run opening-wicket stand, the highest of the tournament, with Kajal Jena, who slammed an unbeaten 51 off 62 balls. Madhuri pocketed the prize as the woman of the match.