Baivab Mishra and Ananya Anamika won the titles in the two-day Odisha Senior State Open & U-20 Girls Online Chess Championship, which was organised by All Odisha Chess Association (AOCA), via Zoom app on 19 and 20 July, 2021. Senior Open champion Baivab scored 5.5 points to take the top prize of Rs 3,000.
Competing in the Senior Open championship, Khordha girls Sunyasakta Satpathy finished runner-up, also with 5.5 points to her name. She received Rs 2,000. A total 32 players, including two women, participated in the Senior Open championship.
Ananya emerged U-20 girls champion, garnering 4.5 points, while WFM Saina Salonika finished runner-up with four points. The champion and runner-up received cash prizes of Rs 1000 and Rs 800 respectively. Only 11 players took part in the U-20 Girls championship.
AOCA Secretary Debabrata Bhatta, Chief Arbiter Suresh Chandra Sahoo and AOCA Treasurer Shankar Prasad Mishra were present at the closing ceremony. Top two finishers in both categories qualified to represent Odisha in the National Senior Open and National U-20 Girls Online Championships, scheduled to be held from 26 to 28 July, 2021.
SENIOR STATE OPEN (Top 10): 1. Baivab Mishra, Puri (5.5 points), 2. Sunyasakta Satpathy, Khordha (5.5), 3. Harshit Ranjan Sahu, Cuttack (5.5), 4. Sanjeeban Nayak, Jajpur (5), 5. Jagdish Barik, Puri (5), 6. Nilsu Pattnayak, Cuttack (5), 7. Omm Aditya Khadanga, Khordha (4.5), 8. Aryan Arnav Samantaray, Balasore (4.5), 9. Ansuman Samal, Cuttack (4), 10. Arin Anwesh Swain, Khordha (4).
U-20 GIRLS (Top 5): 1. Ananya Anamika, Khordha (4.5 points), 2. WFM Saina Salonika, Khordha (4), 3. Pratyasha Jena, Cuttack (4), 4. Yashita Rout, Khordha (3.5), 5. Shradha Smaranika Nanda, Cuttack (3). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP: File photo of State Senior Open champion Baivab Mishra. RIGHT: File photo of State U-20 Girls champion Ananya Anamika.