Want to be a Sports Star of Odisha ? Here is the way. Department of Sports & Youth Services (DSYS), Government of Odisha has started an online campaign to identify young sports talents and groom them into future stars, providing coaching facility.
Talents identified through tests at various stages can stay at government-run sports hostels or avail coaching and training facilities while staying away from hostels.
Students aged between eight to 18 years have been invited to join the talent identification process by online registration names at www.department.sportsodisha.gov.in or they click on the link https://portal.sportsodisha.gov.in/Talent/Choose
Last date for registration is 15th January 2022. Physical Education Teachers (PETs) and Coaches have also been invited to register their names and associate themselves with the State Government in the identification of future sports stars of Odisha. For queries, one can log on to odsportstalenthunt@gmail.com