Indian Senior Women Football Team ended its tour of Brazil on a respectable note today, despite losing all of their three matches in a four-nation international tournament (Torneio Internacional da Futebol Feminino) held at the Arena da Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil.
In their three matches, India lost to Brazil 1-6, Chile 0-2 and Venezuela 1-2. But by scoring a goal against formidable Brazil and Venezuela, the Indian team earned appreciation from all quarters. Manisha Kalyan and Gangmei Grace scored the two valuable goals for India.
Against Brazil, the equaliser by Manisha Kalyan and courageous performance by goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan were bright moments for India. The 43-year-old Brazil legend Formiga Mota made her final appearance in this match after a career spanning more than 25 years which includes participation at seven Olympic Games and 205 caps for her national team.
Odisha defender Manisha Panna and forward Pyari Xaxa represented Indian Women Team on this tour and both earned praise for their performance. Indian women will now set camp in Kochi, Kerala from December 5 and train for the upcoming AFC Asian Cup, which is set to take place in India next month.
November 29: India (Manisha Kalyan 8th) lost to BrazilĀ (Debora Oliveira 1st, Giovana Costa 37th, Ariadina Borges 52nd, 81st, Kerolin Ferraz 54th, Geyse Ferreira 75th) 1-6.
November 29: India lost to Chile (Maria Urrutia 14th, Isidora Hernandez 84th, Karen Araya 85th) 0-3.
December 2: India (Dangmei Grace 18th) lost to Venezuela (Marianna Speckmaier 50th, Barbara Olivieri 81th) 1-2.
PHOTO: Indian Senior Women Football Team with Brazil legend Formiga Mota in Manaus, Brazil on 29th November 2021.