All India Football Federation today announced a 23-member Indian Senior Women Team, including two from Odisha that will travel to Manaus, Brazil to play in a four-nation tournament, where they will play against Brazil, Chile and Venezuela. Odisha players are forward Pyari Xaxa and defender Manisa Panna.
Indian women will play the three matches as part of their preparation for the forthcoming AFC Womens Asian Cup 2022 to be held in India. Ashalata Devi has been named as the captain of the team.
This will be the 6th country the Indian women team will be visiting this year. The team had been camping in Jamshedpur with infrastructural and logistical aid from the Government of Jharkhand over the last four months.
The Indian women team, which is ranked 57 on the FIFA World Rankings, will face off against World No 7 Brazil on November 25, Chile (World No 37) on November 28, and Venezuela (World No 56) on December 1. Brazil has already named its full squad, which contains legends of the game like Marta da Silva and Formiga Mota.
Goalkeepers: Aditi Chauhan, M Linthoingambi Devi, Sowmiya Narayasamy.
Defenders: Dalima Chhibber, Sweety Devi, Ritu Rani, Ashalata Devi, Manisa Panna, Shilky Devi, Ranjana Chanu, W Linthoingambi Devi.
Midfielders: Indumathi Kathiresan, Sanju, Anju Tamang, Martina Thokchom, Karthika Angamuthu, Kamala Devi.
Forwards: Manisha Kalyan, Pyari Xaxa, Renu, Dangmei Grace, Soumya Guguloth, Mariyammal Balamurugan.
Head Coach: Thomas Dennerby
PHOTO: Odisha woman football internationals Manisa Panna and Pyari Xaxa in India jersey.