Shooting international Shriyanka Sadangi created history when she became the first markswoman from the Odisha to win a gold medal at the National Championship. The Delhi-based shooter from Sambalpur achieved the glory in women 50 metre .22 bore Rifle 3 Position in the 64th National Shooting Championship at MP Shooting Academy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh today.
Earlier on December 5, Odisha shooter Sahebani Oram won the silver medal in group pistol event for Railways. Sahabani is a former junior international athlete with hurdles as her pet event. She is employed with Indian Railways.
A PHD Student of KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Shriyanka won the gold with a total score of 454.9. Mansi Sudhir Singh Kathait (Madhya Pradesh) and Ayushi Podder (West Bengal) won the silver and bronze medal respectively in this event.
The National Championship was held after a gap of almost two years. The last National Championship was held in Bhopal from 7 December 2019 to 4 January 2020.
In her illustrious career, 25-year-old Shriyanka has, so far, won 32 international and a round a dozen national level medals, including gold. But an individual gold medal at the the National Championship was missing in her collections.
PHOTO: Shriyanka Sadangi poses with her maiden National gold medal in Bhopal on 6 December 2021.