Odisha players finished one-two as Grandmaster Debashis Das bagged the title, while International Master Anwesh Upadhyaya finished runner-up in the G H Raisoni All India Fide Blitz Rating Chess Tournament, which was held at GH Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology in Nagpur on 4 and 5 December 2021.
Debashis emerged champion, scoring 8.5 points in the nine-round tournament. He won eight games and drew one with Kaustuv Kundu of West Bengal. Anwesh finished with eight points, winning eight games and losing one against statemate Debashis Das.
Around 150 players vied for honours in this tournament, which was organised by Kalpana Prakash Welfare Foundation & Vidarbha Chess Academy. However, in the rapid event of the tournament, Debashis finished ninth with seven points, while Anwesh settled for 12th position with seven points.
PHOTO: Odisha GM Debashis Das poses with his trophy after winning the title at the Raman Rattan Rout G H Raisoni All India Fide Blitz Rating Chess Tournament in Nagpur on 5 December 2021.